Why Is Bone Broth Bad For You

Why Is Bone Broth Bad For You?

Bone broth is marketed as a “super-soup” that is full of minerals and collagen. But in truth, this obscenely pricey broth is a poor source of nourishment and cannot, as advertised, improve your complexion or support your joints.

Currently, bone broth is a significant trend in the wellness sector, with celebrities like Salma Hayek, Gwynnie Paltrow, and former Lakers player Kobe Bryant praising its purported benefits.

I would suggest you get involved in this fad if you enjoy getting cut off from your money without realizing any benefits. At Bone Broth, we have a large selection of the best chicken bone broth.

If the broth is natural, grass-fed, hormone-, antibiotic-, and GMO-free as well as the fact that it has been lovingly heated in a cauldron with a sprinkling of crushed unicorn horn, then it will be even more worthwhile to shell out on the broth.

Because it stands to reason that the more enigmatic and exclusive your bone broth, the greater the health advantages you will experience. Remember that even if it may taste like ditch water and cost $7.49, $10, or even $12 for 16 oz before extras, the HUGE HEALTH BENEFITS are what really matter, and YOU’RE WORTH IT.

The final two paragraphs were obviously my clumsy effort at ironic humor because bone broth is just a common savory beverage. Why don’t we all just refer to it as stock again?


Concerns About Bone Broth

There are toxicological concerns with meat processing and production, such as the presence of several hazardous pollutants, such as dioxins and PCBs as well as carcinogens in cooked meat. Although the formation of cancer may be the biggest worry, eating meat products has been linked to a variety of other harmful reactions as well. For instance, lead can be hazardous to the kidneys, bone marrow, gastrointestinal tract, and nerves.

Where can you find lead in food? Generally speaking, fish contain the highest concentrations of lead, arsenic, and mercury. Sardines contain the highest levels of arsenic, however, tuna may be superior to sardines in terms of mercury and lead. In search of chicken bone broth? Look nowhere else! Bone broth can take care of you.

The issue is that “fish consumption advice relating to protecting human health does not consider the fish by-products supplied to farmed animals,” such as farmed fish. Some tilapia may bioaccumulate heavy metals if given tuna by-products, which they could then transmit to us when we eat them. The largest concentrations of lead were discovered in frozen sole fillets, with average levels exceeding the legal limit.

Nearly all of the body’s organ systems have been found to suffer negative effects from lead exposure. Chronic exposure can cause a variety of symptoms, including memory loss, constipation, impotence, and depression. However, these effects only appear after considerable exposure. But as of late, it has become clear that ” blood lead levels in the range now deemed tolerable are related with increased occurrence of gout and hyperuricemia” (elevated levels of uric acid in the blood). Blood lead levels must be fewer than 25 micrograms per deciliter, per the Centers for Disease Control and the World Health Organization, in order to be considered “non-elevated.” Even within this “safe” range, lower lead indicates lower uric acid levels and a reduced risk of gout. It would be reasonable to believe that there would be no association between readings below 25 and health outcomes. Therefore, even blood lead levels twenty times below the permissible threshold can be linked to a rise in gout incidence.” According to these findings, there is no such thing as a “safe” level of lead exposure.”

Lead has a tendency to remain in the body once it enters. It accumulates in the bones to the point where it could take 30 years to eliminate only half of it. The ideal tactic? Avoid being discovered in the first place.

But what about boiling bones for broth if lead accumulates in the bones? We know that bones store lead and that lead can later leak from the bones, as I discuss in my film Lead Contamination in Bone Broth. The bones of farmyard animals will adsorb lead, some of which will later be released into the broth during preparation, according to studies. Who consumes bone broth? Many proponents of the paleo diet promote the intake of bone broth. You can find a ton of information about the alleged “benefits” of bone broth online, but they rarely discuss the potential risk of lead contamination, or at least they didn’t until recently. It was discovered that chicken bone broth had lead levels that were up to ten times higher than normal. In light of the risks that lead consumption poses to human health, researchers recommended that doctors and nutritionists take lead contamination into account when dealing with a patient about bone broth diets.

What would happen, though, if you just used organic, free-range chicken bones? Only organic, free-range chicken bones were utilized.


It’s Not New

It’s unknown when simple “broth” changed to “bone broth,” gaining mystic, medicinal properties along with the additional syllable. The same stock that grandma produced from cow bones and the scrag end of a chicken carcass may, however, be sold at inflated prices around the same time, according to astute marketing professionals.

The deceitful, if brilliant, part has been persuading the credulous that it’s worth spending a small sum on because it will reduce osteoarthritis, help with weight loss, reduce inflammation, and smooth out wrinkles.

For centuries, we have boiled bones. A stock base made from bones is used in Jewish chicken soup, Brazilian pozole, and several Asian clear broths. But until today, no one has had the audacity to assert any notable health benefits for common “bone broth,” with the exception of chicken soup.

And goodness, folks promoting bone broth are making a lot of money. The minor issue is that they entirely ignore providing evidence to support their assertions.

Unbelievably, humans have long been boiling down animal remains like bones and other byproducts. A portion of the reason Paleo dieters and artisan foodies have hopped on the bone bandwagon is the perception that it is such an old way of food preparation. Everyone can also agree that slow-boiled, organic, whole-food components result in a product that is significantly superior to the conventional dried bouillon cubes that have long been sold in grocery stores for less than $2 per package. Therefore, it only makes sense that the superiority of these “new,” artisanal bone broths would reflect that price difference. The nutritive value of bone broth is undoubtedly greater, aside from the absence of additives and excessive sodium in bouillon. Wait a minute.


The Health Claims Are Suspect

There are a few misconceptions about nutrition that underpin the idea that bone broth is the latest and greatest superfood. The first fallacy concerning nutrition is the idea that our bodies cannot function without the proteins that can be found in bone broth, particularly proline and glycine. Indeed, we cannot produce collagen, regulate our blood pressure, or keep our tissues healthy without these amino acids. Because our bodies are capable of producing these amino acids on their own, consuming them in broth form not only poses a health risk (researchers have discovered that eating an excessive amount of animal protein can lead to disease and death at an earlier age), but it also causes the body to flush out any excess amino acids through urine. Bone Broth in Melbourne is home to a diverse selection of the city’s top chicken bone broth.

The second fallacy is the idea that increasing one’s consumption of collagen will somehow cause their levels to rise. Collagen is an essential component in the formation of joints, tendons, and skin that are elastic and firm. To reiterate, our own bodies are capable of producing collagen on their own. Consuming a diet that is abundant in foods that encourage collagen formation rather than meals that force its production is the superior method for increasing collagen levels in the body.

A greater cause for concern than the nutritional worth of bone broth is the potential presence of additional risks that can be found in the bones of the animals themselves, such as the heavy metal lead. Lead in high concentrations is hazardous and can cause a wide variety of health issues. Because animals can be easily subjected to high levels of lead in their surroundings, which subsequently leeches into their bones, scientists have detected an alarming quantity of lead present in a variety of bone broths. This is due to the fact that high amounts of lead can be quickly introduced to animals. The proponents of bone broth assert that the presence of calcium in the broth will prevent the absorption of any lead. Despite the fact that there is evidence that consuming calcium can reduce the amount of lead that is absorbed into the body, bone broth simply does not contain a significant amount of soluble calcium.


The manufacturers of bone broth claim that their goods are superior to regular stock because they use components of a higher grade and simmer them for a longer period of time at a lower temperature. However, there has been almost no research done on the health benefits of bone broths, and there are a million distinct recipes, which makes it impossible to make any broad statements about them.

It is a well-known fact that the majority do include a respectable amount of protein, which is usually somewhere between 6 and 10 grams per cup, which is almost the same amount that is found in a hard-boiled egg, and collagen is a major contributor to this protein total. It is utter folly, however, to assert that consumption of this collagen can improve the appearance of wrinkles and reduce the pain of arthritis. This statement implies that the collagen will head straight for your skin and joints.

What actually occurs is that the digestive system breaks down collagen, along with all other ingested proteins, into amino acids. These amino acids are then utilized by the body as necessary for whatever purpose may be required. And as collagen scientist Brooke Russell noted in another editorial for ACSH about the silliness of trying to add collagen to coffee, collagen’s chemical structure breaks down in heat sources anyway, so its degradation has already begun in bone broth long before it goes into your body. This is something that Brooke Russell pointed out in her article about the childishness of adding collagen to coffee. This is something that she pointed out in another article about the foolishness of adding collagen to coffee.


Insignificant vitamin and mineral content

The assertion that bone broth is an excellent source of calcium is yet another common one (sort of logical you might think, as bones are indeed a concentrated source of these minerals). However, even after boiling for such a long time at such a low temperature, only a small number of the mineral is extracted, with the average number of calcium per mug being only 4% of the Daily Value (DV).

A glass of bone broth could also include 2-6% of the daily value (DV) of iron, but it typically contains very little else that is interesting and can possibly contain 13-19% of the daily value (DV) for sodium.

In point of fact, early pioneers in the field of nutritional analysis Professor Robert McCance and Elsie Widdowson published their research (in the Archives of Disease in Childhood) in 1934, stating that stock created from bones was not a good source of nutrients.

Additionally, a study from 2017 came to the conclusion that bone broth contains negligible amounts of mineral nutrients while underlining the fact that it does include heavy metals, but not at levels that are cause for worry but still present nonetheless. It’s interesting to observe that the people who promote bone broth don’t seem to be in a hurry to emphasize this!

In addition, some bone broths can be a good source of vitamin A, although this is not due to the bones themselves. Carrots are typically used as a flavoring component in bone broths that are vitamin A-rich since carrots are a rich source of the vitamin.

The reason for this is that, at the end of the day, you typically need to add other ingredients to the bone broth in order to make it taste nice and be more nutritious. This essentially turns the bone broth into a bowl of soup, and you don’t want to pay an exorbitant amount of money for something that is just a bowl of soup.


It may contain harmful additives

Because of the rising demand for bone broth and the competition among manufacturers to meet that demand, low-quality variations will continue to make their way into the shelves of grocery stores. In addition, just like any other processed food, store-bought bone broth may contain unhealthy ingredients, preservatives, artificial colors, fillers, and flavor enhancers that will throw your body out of whack. Before you make a purchase, check that the label has been scanned. You should look for four components: meat, water, bones, and salt. These should all be present. Making your handmade bone broth rather than purchasing it already prepared is the superior option in any circumstance in which it is possible. Using an organic type of meat is one step up from this improvement.


It’s Gross and Inhumane

Even if the exorbitant price tag, nutritional deficiency, and risky profile of bone broth don’t frighten you, the fact that it is made from the gelatinous remains of a once-living, sentient animal should be enough to put you off. The preparation of bone broth is not only a cruel and revolting idea, but it also defies nature and is unnatural.


Bone Broth: #Paleo Goodness or Lead Toxicity Risk?

As a result of the rise in acceptance of the Paleo Diet, the Perfect Health Diet, and the GAPS Diet, the eating of bone marrow and bone broths has become more mainstream and is even considered cool. Because they are such an excellent source of calcium and various other minerals, bone broths are intended to be a consistent component of diets that take an evolutionary approach. To prepare it, bones and any other parts of the animal that have not been eaten are placed in water and allowed to simmer for anywhere between 12 and 48 hrs. As a result of this process, the minerals are able to disperse throughout the liquid as the bones and cartilage are broken down. Because of this, bone broth contains a high concentration of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, collagen (which is composed of protein, more specifically the amino proline and glycine), glucosamine, chondroitin, keratin, and hyaluronic acid. In addition, bone broth contains hyaluronic acid.

These components contribute to the body’s ability to carry out a variety of physiological activities, including the following:

  • Tissue healing and maintenance
  • Bone growth and repair (especially if you stress fractured your feet wearing barefoot runners)
  • Muscle contraction
  • Glucose production and blood detoxification by the liver
  • Thyroid function
  • Plasma production
  • Digestion and absorption of nutrients

Doesn’t that just sound amazing? When dairy products are avoided in the diet, bone broths become all the more significant as a nutritious alternative. On the other hand, a study that was only recently published in the medical journal Medical Hypotheses has raised concerns about the presence of lead levels in bone broths that are available for purchase in stores. In humans, lead toxicity can induce reproductive and gastrointestinal issues, neuropathy, anemia, stomach pain, cognitive impairment, and depression. Recent studies suggest that even exposure to small amounts of lead can cause difficulties, thus it is important to avoid even accidental exposure.

Since lead may be found stored in bones, it was expected that the concentration of lead in bone broths would be significantly higher than that found in regular tap water. The investigators looked at three distinct broths: one created with regular tap water and natural chicken bones; another with meat alone; and a third with skin and cartilage only; all of which lacked the bones. The lead content of the tap water that was utilized to create the broths was 89 parts per billion. The skin and cartilage broth had 950 parts per billion, whereas the bone broth only had 700 parts per billion. It is essential to keep in mind that the legal limit for lead in drinking water is 1,500 parts per billion, despite the fact that this may initially sound scary. There is a possibility that the advantages of consuming bone broths outweigh the increased risk of lead exposure; nevertheless, the appropriate dosage and the specific circumstances of each person will likely determine this. It is also unknown whether animals grown on pasture, which is favored in the Paleo Diet, would have lower levels of lead in their bones than animals that are on a standard diet of grain (organic or not). It is especially important for some individuals and groups, such as pregnant women, to take extra precautions to prevent lead exposure.

If you consume bone broths on a regular basis, it is a good idea to have your doctor order a blood sample for lead and potentially erythrocyte protoporphyrin (EP). These tests will determine whether or not your recent pattern of bone broth consumption has resulted in substantial lead exposure. If you consume bone broths on a regular basis, it is a good idea to have your doctor order these tests.

You are most likely curious as to why I am referring to it as bone broth rather than simply broth. Isn’t it true that broth is always prepared from bones, and the only time it’s necessary to specify anything else is when producing veggie broth? That’s correct. So why all the unnecessary repetition? Because studies have shown that adding a second word to the name of a dish makes it more likely that gullible New Yorkers will spend $9 for a cup of soup that costs only 15 cents and contains none of the following: noodles, vegetables, or meat.

The cost needs to come first and foremost. Absolutely, that is a deeply disrespectful statement. This is a really straightforward topic. It is food suitable for cavemen. We came up with the idea just around the same time that we exterminated the Neanderthals. In 2015, it was presented as a new-age, revolutionary cure-all — as though tribes all over the world hadn’t already been drinking broth to survive for millennia. However, this is not the case. This material can be produced in quantities of up to a GALLON for LESS THAN $5. Why, however, are people standing in line to pay $9 for a cup of the stuff?


It’s not vegetarian or vegan-friendly

Because bone broth consists of, you guessed it, animal bones, those of us who adhere to a plant-based diet that excludes both meat and dairy may find it difficult, if not impossible, to consume bone broth. However, if you are able to stomach it, the least you can do is choose organic, free-range options so that you know the animal had the greatest life possible. If the thought of it makes your stomach turn, you can get some similar minerals and vitamins from the following foods:

  • Foods with collagen: Look for dark green veggies (spinach, kale), veggies (spinach, beets), sweet potatoes, carrots, raspberries, lemons, blackberries, oranges, limes,  grapefruits, soy, and white tea. Red veggies (tomatoes, beets, peppers) are also recommended.
  • Foods with glucosamine: There are options such as shrimp, lobster, crab, and crawfish for persons who follow a pescatarian diet. However, if you feel like that simply does not work for you, you should think about taking supplements.
  • Foods with glycine: Check out dairy products, soybeans, spirulina,  and legumes.
  • Foods with magnesium: Try dark leafy greens, seeds, nuts, beans, avocados, whole grains, and dark chocolate. Love that last one!

Now that you are aware of the benefits and drawbacks of bone broth, I will provide you with a delectable recipe to test out and see how well it works for you. Keep in mind that it is essential to obtain organic meat since this type of meat is preferable for the well-being of the animals, as well as for your own health and the environment. Check out this location for our Melbourne chicken bone broth.

There are those who believe that bone broth is a superfood. However, bone broth could be a living nightmare for some individuals. This is due to the fact that it has a high concentration of glutamate, a neurotransmitter that is involved in learning and memory and should not be confused with MSG. According to some sources, the glutamate included in bone broth has the potential to trigger seizures or make illnesses such as leaky gut syndrome, an autoimmune sickness, autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADD), multiple sclerosis, and other neurological problems worse. After using, this physician suggests that patients monitor themselves for symptoms such as weariness, confusion, skin rash, and joint discomfort. Stop consuming bone broth immediately and consult a medical professional if you, a member of your family, or a kid is experiencing any neurological issues after consuming it.

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