Can Drinking Bone Broth Help You Lose Weight

Can Drinking Bone Broth Help You Lose Weight?

The Bone Broth Diet is a relatively new diet plan that promises to help people lose weight. There is a dizzying array of strategies for eating less and moving more available today. However, everyone is hunting for something fresh that can result in the required amount of weight loss in a relatively short amount of time. In just 21 days, the bone broth diet promises to help you eliminate up to 7 kg and 4 inches off your waistline. Additional weight loss can also be achieved by extending the duration of the diet. Consuming bone broth, which is produced by slowly cooking animal bones, is essential to follow this diet. At Bone Broth, we offer a diverse selection of uses and advantages for bone broth.


History of Bone Broth

Since the beginning of time, many, many years ago, people have been cooking and drinking bone broth. According to food scientist Bryon Yang, Ph.D., president of Nutra Food Ingredients, “the Chinese began utilizing it more than 2,500 years ago, and Egyptian physicians in the 12th century prescribed it as a cure for colds and asthma.” Because of recent advancements in scientific research, we are now aware that the unique benefits of bone broth are due to the nutrients that it contains. According to him, bone broth is loaded with a variety of nutrients, including amino acids (which are the building blocks of protein), calcium, collagen, magnesium, vitamins,  phosphorus, and iron (the most abundant protein in your body, found in connective hair, tissue,  nails, ligaments,  and skin).

Bone broth is a liquid food dish that is made by boiling bones in water for anywhere from 2 to 48 hours. In its most basic form, bone broth refers to liquid meal preparation. To enhance the flavor, onions, garlic, and several other herbs are frequently used. The practice of consuming bone broth is quite old and dates back to the year 1000 CE. The Germanic root of the term “bru” means “to prepare by boiling,” and for millennia it has been utilized in both traditional Chinese medicine and traditional Jewish medicine.

It is believed that the use of bone broth by travelers in 18th-century France contributed to the rise in the reputation of restaurants in that country. Innkeepers would serve travelers bone broth in the evening. The term “restorative” eventually came to be used to refer to these inns, which means literally “a place to restore one’s health and wellness.”

There has been a steady decline in the use of bone broth over the past few centuries; but, in today’s health-conscious society, it has experienced a renaissance because of the widespread belief that it is a healthy and efficient approach to aid in weight loss.

What Is the Bone Broth Diet?

Kellyann Petrucci, a naturopathic doctor who wrote a book on the Bone Broth Diet, is the person responsible for developing the 21-day Bone Broth Diet.

If you still have weight to lose after following the plan, you can choose to do so.

You follow a low-carb, paleo-style diet five days a week, consuming meals that are mostly composed of poultry, fish, meat, eggs, non-starchy veggies, and healthy fats, as well as bone broth. You skip all dairy, wheat, legumes, added sweeteners, and alcohol.

Simmering animal bones for up to 24 hours results in the release of minerals, collagen, and amino, which is the basis for making bone broth. A diet that combines intermittent fasting with a low-carb, paleo-style eating plan is called a bone broth diet. The individual following the diet is required to eat meat, fish, poultry, and eggs in addition to vegetables that are low in carbohydrates and healthy fats. Bone broth is an essential component that must be incorporated into your daily diet. Mini-fasts, also known as modified fasts or partial fasts, are performed twice a week and differ from full fasts in that you are permitted to consume bone broth during them.

Ancient Fasting: Bone Broth for Weight Loss

When one is trying to reduce their body mass, it is essential for them to provide their bodies with the nutrients and vitamins they require. This will guarantee that the weight reduction is accomplished in a healthy and efficient manner. The combination of fasting and drinking bone broth is a fantastic strategy that should be taken into consideration for weight loss.

The practice of fasting dates back centuries and was lauded by ancient figures such as Plato, Socrates, Hippocrates, Aristotle, and Galen 6.

Additionally, many religious traditions, such as Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, Christianity, and even certain Native American traditions, include fasting as an important practice. In Ayurvedic teachings, abstaining from food is considered a form of therapy and is defined as “a natural means of healing.” According to a remark attributed to one of the three men generally credited with founding Western medicine, Paracelsus, “fasting is the best remedy–the physician within.”

In the practice of liquid fasting, one consumes no solid foods at all and instead consumes only liquids for the duration of the fast. Because of its high nutrient content and simple digestion, bone broth is an excellent choice for those who are trying to cut back on their food intake during a fast.

What not to eat on a bone broth diet?

If you are following the bone broth diet, you should avoid consuming dairy products, carbohydrates, sugar, alcohol, and legumes. You should also stay away from processed meals, refined fats, soda, artificial sweeteners, and potatoes, with the exception of sweet potatoes. Sweet potatoes are an exception to this rule.


How does it contribute to weight loss?

Kellyann Petrucci elaborated by saying that three separate investigations each lasted for 21 days and were conducted by several medical specialists. According to the information that was gathered, participants shed a maximum of fifteen pounds and four inches. Because this diet consists primarily of drinking bone broth, which is a liquid, it makes a contribution to the reduction of excess body fat. It will help you stay hydrated and will keep you feeling full for a longer period of time. Consuming bone broth on a regular basis will result in a lower overall calorie intake for you. A weight loss strategy that is similarly beneficial is to go without food for two consecutive days every week. Because it gives you a feeling of fullness, drinking bone broth can help you become less reliant on processed foods and other types of foods that are high in sugar.

In order to stick to the Bone Broth Diet, you will need to choose two days out of the week that is not consecutive to participate in a mini-fast. The fast is broken on the other 5 days of the week.

On days when you are not performing a fast and on days when you are performing a mini-fast, you should consume your final meal or snack before 7 p.m.

Mini-Fast Days

Mini-fast days present you with two possibilities, as follows:

  • Option 1: Consume six servings of bone broth, each one measuring one cup (or 237 milliliters).
  • Option 2: Consume five servings of bone broth throughout the day, and follow it up with a snack that includes protein, veggies that aren’t starchy, and healthy fats.

Mini-fasting days will only allow you to consume between 300 and 500 calories in total.

Non-Fasting Days

On days when you are not required to fast, you select your meals from approved food lists broken down into categories such as protein, vegetables, fruits, and fat.

The routine consists of the following steps:

  • One portion of protein, one portion of fat, and one portion of fruit for breakfast.
  • One serving of protein, two servings of veggies, and one serving of fat make up lunch.
  • Dinner will consist of one serving of protein, two servings of veggies, and one serving of fat.
  • Bone broth should be consumed in portions of one cup twice a day for snacks.
  • In order to promote the burning of fat, carbohydrates of any kind, including fruit and vegetables high in starch, should be consumed in very small amounts.

Petrucci condemns the practice of calorie counting and does not provide a range of acceptable calorie intake for non-fasting days.

80/20 Maintenance Plan

After 21 days, or later, depending on when you meet your weight loss target, you transition to the 80/20 diet to help you maintain your weight. This plan encourages you to eat fewer calories and more healthy fats than you burn.

This indicates that eighty percent of the time, you consume meals that are permitted. You are allowed to deviate from the diet for the remaining twenty percent of the time and consume meals and beverages such as milk products and alcohol.

During the recovery period of the diet, it is up to you to determine whether or not you will continue the mini-fasts. Bone Broth offers a wide variety of health benefits that are among the greatest bone broth advantages in Melbourne.


Foods to Eat in The Bone Broth Diet

The diet requires regular consumption of bone broth, which should ideally be prepared at home.

On days when you are not fasting, you should select meals that are entire, have had minimal processing, and, if possible, are organic.

The following are some examples of foods that are permitted:

  • Proteins: cattle, poultry, eggs, and fish– ideally pastured, free-range, or wild-caught, depending on the context in which they are consumed.
  • Vegetables, mainly those that are low in starch and include things like asparagus, summer squash,  tomatoes, greens, and broccoli
  • Fruits: citrus fruits, apples, melons, berries,   kiwi — but just one portion daily
  • Avocados, olive oil, coconut oil, almonds,  and ghee are all examples of foods that contain healthy fats (clarified butter)
  • Salt (Celtic or pink Himalayan), various spices, vinegar, and salsa are some of the condiments that can be used.
  • Flours: coconut flour, almond flour.
  • Coffee, tea, and water are available as beverages.

Foods to Avoid in The Bone Broth Diet

It is recommended that you stay away from particular items that are said to lower inflammation, improve digestive health, and speed up fat burning as part of the 21-day diet.

The following items belong on your banned list:

  • Grains: wheat, rye, barley, and other gluten-containing grains, as well as gluten-free grains, such as corn, rice, quinoa, and oats
  • Refined fats: common vegetable fats, such as canola oil and margarine
  • Processed fruit: dried fruit, fruit juice, and sweetened fruit
  • Dairy products: milk, yogurt, cheese, ice cream, and butter (except ghee)
  • Sugar substitutes: artificial sweeteners — such as aspartame, sucralose, and acesulfame K — as well as natural sugar substitutes, including stevia
  • Potatoes: all potatoes except sweet potatoes
  • Legumes: beans, soy products, peanuts, and peanut butter
  • Sugar: all forms of refined sugars, such as table sugar, honey, and maple syrup
  • Beverages: soda (regular and diet) and alcoholic beverages

Even though this is a long list, you must adhere to each item on it religiously while you are making an effort to reduce your weight.


Bone Broth Guidelines

The diet recommends that you prepare your own bone broth, preferably with bones sourced from animals that were grown organically and on pasture.

Due to the high concentration of cartilage in the knuckle, joint, foot, and neck bones, its utilization is encouraged. This particular supply of collagen is the foundation for the notion that the diet can eliminate wrinkles.

Alternately, the author of the book offers bone broth in dried and frozen forms, either of which may be purchased online for approximately $2.80 and $7.16 per serving, respectively.

In larger cities, you might also be able to find restaurants or health food stores that sell bone broth that is suitable for consumption.


Does It Work for Weight Loss?

At the present time, there are no studies related to the Bone Broth Diet that has been published in scholarly journals. There have been no further investigations into whether or not drinking bone broth can assist with weight loss.

Because of this, there are gaps in the evidence that are required to evaluate whether or not the Bone Broth Diet is as efficient as other diets for losing weight, or whether it is more effective than other diets.

Nevertheless, the diet is founded on different methods that have been the subject of research, including the following:

  • Low-carb. Studies with a low level of methodological rigor have shown that low-carb diets lead to greater weight reduction than conventional low-calorie diets do, by an amount ranging from 0.7 to 4 kilograms more. However, reviews of good quality report either a small or nonexistent difference between the diets.
  • Paleo diet. People of a healthy weight who followed the paleo diet for three weeks saw a reduction in their waistline of ¼ inch (0.5 cm) and a loss of 5 pounds (2.3 kg). According to the findings of other studies, there is no significant difference between the paleo diet and other reduced-calorie diets.
  • Fasting on an as-needed basis. Two of the five trials that were analyzed for this analysis showed that patients who were overweight and who used intermittent fasting lost more weight than those who used continuous calorie restriction. On the other hand, three demonstrated weight loss that was comparable with each strategy.

Because of this, a mix of these three nutritional regimens, such as the one found in the Bone Broth Diet, can assist you in achieving your weight loss goals. On the other hand, traditional low-calorie eating plans might be just as effective.

Is it safe?

The diet is very low in calories, which, according to the opinions of the authorities, improves a person’s capacity to burn extra calories and reduce their overall body mass. Following a diet that is high in protein concentration like this one not only aids in the process of building muscle but also ensures that a person feels fuller for a longer amount of time.

However, there are others in the medical community who believe that the bone broth diet is not only unhealthy but also an unhealthy short-term solution to weight loss that would eventually lead to weight gain.


Are there any risks to this diet?

Some people are concerned that heavy metals, most notably lead, can be stored in bones, and that these metals can subsequently leach into the broth as it is being prepared using the bones. On the other hand, according to the findings of a study that was published in the journal Food and Nutrition Research, the lead levels in broth are extremely low and likely do not provide any health problems.

The owner of To The Pointe Nutrition, Rachel Fine, RD, describes the bone broth diet as “a dangerously restrictive diet.” She also describes it as “an unhealthy, brief fix for weight loss,” which would further result in the sensitivity to further weight gain in the future. Because limiting carbs causes the body to generate certain hormones to counter the limitation, which promotes higher appetites, she advises that the long-term negative impacts of a restricted diet outweigh the potential short-term benefits of such a diet. In a nutshell, it might not work out as planned. (There are several telltale indications that your diet isn’t the best.)

It is important to see a nutritionist or a health practitioner before beginning any diet in order to determine whether or not the diet will work for you. This is especially important if you are currently taking medication, suffer from hypoglycemia, or are pregnant or breastfeeding. “Especially for someone who is new to healthy eating, I’d recommend skipping the fasting days and instead introducing bone broth into their day of eating,” recommends Presicci. “Bone broth is an excellent way to replenish minerals and nutrients that are lost during the digestive process.” Even if you don’t change anything else about your diet, drinking bone broth can help reduce the amount of water retention and inflammation in your body. If you’re serious about giving fasting a shot, the best way to get started is with this guide to intermittent fasting.

Are there any alternatives if you don’t want to commit to 21 days?

If you are hesitant about diving deeply into a program that lasts for three weeks, perhaps a plan that lasts for one week might be more manageable for you. The 7-Day Bone Broth Diet Plan is a book that was written by Meredith Cochran, who is the co-founder and CEO of The Osso Good Co. She has a degree in cellular, and molecular biology, and a history in traditional Chinese medicine, and she is also the author of the book. Her approach is centered on resetting your digestive system and getting you started on the road to feeling better about yourself through improved eating habits. According to her explanation, the fundamental principle behind this diet is straightforward: “Consume two cups of bone broth every day, in addition to whole meals as needed, to improve your road toward greater gut health.”This entails consuming only meats that have been pastured and grass-fed, along with organic vegetables and healthy saturated fats such as avocado, coconut oil, and ghee. Because they can induce inflammation in your gut, highly processed, alcohol, dairy products, wheat, and sugar should be avoided. The natural anti-inflammatory properties of bone broth, as well as its ability to promote digestion, make it an ideal food for doing a “gut reset.”


Reasons To Add Bone Broth To Your Diet For Healthy Aging & Weight Loss

It can fill you up, without adding pounds.

The richness, complexity, wholesomeness, and gratification of the soul can be found in bone broth. Because it has almost no carbohydrates and thus few calories, you may eat as much as you want without worrying about gaining weight. Having said that, you are still able to feel satisfied while engaging in an intermittent fast and receive the benefits of doing so.

It’s packed with the building blocks of collagen.

Consuming collagen can help prevent the beginning of wrinkles, which means that you can promote radiant, plump skin while you are losing weight (a win-win situation!).

It helps support detoxification.

Your intestinal lining is strengthened, and your liver and kidneys, which are organs that assist your body’s natural detoxifying processes, receive additional support from bone broth.

It strengthens your gut.

If you’re struggling to lose weight, there’s a good possibility that you’re also dealing with digestive issues, such as constipation, diarrhea, gas, or perhaps all three of these at the same time. This is due to the fact that weight gain and digestive problems frequently originate from the same source: an unhealthy gut. The gelatin and other minerals included in bone broth can help improve the gut, which can in turn aid in the relief of digestive issues and make it easier to lose weight.

It strengthens your joints.

As people get older, the wear and use of their joints can make it more difficult for them to move around, which can lead to obesity and other health problems. As a consequence of this, people may engage in less physical activity and spend more time sitting. You will have a plentiful supply of nutrients (known as glycosaminoglycans) after drinking bone broth. These nutrients assist strengthen your joints, which enables you to get up and exercise more.

It’s anti-inflammatory.

The correlation between inflammation and obesity is one of the century’s most significant discoveries in the field of medicine. And we are not talking about the acute inflammation that you get when you have the flu or a cold. This type of inflammation is not what we are talking about. If you acquire persistent, low-grade inflammation, however, the situation is very different. Learn more about the benefits of our best bone broth here in Melbourne.

Long-term inflammation can cause changes in your body’s biochemistry, which in turn can cause you to gain weight. Inflammation can lead to weight increase, which can then cause even more inflammation. This could become a vicious spiral if the person continues to put on weight. This prepares your body for insulin resistance as well as other metabolic changes that might cause you to put on additional weight, experience an increase in inflammation, and a host of other symptoms.

The good news is that you can stop this cycle, relieve chronic inflammation, and minimize weight gain by consuming nutrients such as those that are rich in bone broth.

The Bone Broth Diet is an eating plan that lasts for a total of 21 days and involves following a low-carb paleo diet for five days of the week and a fasting bone broth diet for the other two days of the week.

Even while there is evidence from some research that these dietary regimens may assist you in losing weight, it is unclear as to whether or not they are superior to traditional low-calorie diets.

Therefore, in the event that one or more features of the Bone Broth Diet do not appeal to you, it may be preferable for you to just lower the number of calories you consume in order to lose weight.

It is possible that adhering to the Bone Broth Diet will be difficult. Because the diet eliminates complete food groups, those who follow it run the danger of not getting enough of certain nutrients, such as calcium and fiber, in their diets.

Even while there is evidence from certain studies that this diet may be beneficial for people who are trying to lose weight, it is not yet clear whether or not it is superior to other diets that reduce calorie intake.


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