Bone Broth Benefits

Bone broth has become very popular recently, especially among health-conscious individuals. This is because it’s believed to have many health benefits.

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What is Bone Broth & What Makes it So Beneficial?

Bone broth has a rich history of being used in traditional Chinese culture, for its many benefits: to support digestion, through collagen, minerals, amino acids, and compounds found in bones and connective tissue.

Specific compounds like chondroitin sulfate (used in osteoarthritis supplements) and hyaluronic acid(used in facial cosmetic products) are found in cartilage, connective tissue and bones, in case you were wondering.

Even our hunter-gatherer ancestors realized that drinking bone broth was highly valuable, as its earliest version dates back over 2,500 years. Throwing away anything edible was out of the question back then, so animal hooves, knuckles, bones, and other connective tissues never went to waste.

People with leaky gut syndrome have also used bone broth to support their diet.

Plus, the collagen found in bone broth makes it the perfect food to support healthy looking skin.

Bone broth Plate with Noodle Broth

How To Make Bone Broth At Home?

Simmering bones for an extended period of time is what gives bone broth its nutritional benefits, extracting the amino acids, minerals, and collagen. This is a Kettle & Fire-tested slow cooker chicken bone broth recipe that features organic chicken bones, sea salt, fresh vegetables like celery stalks, onions, and bell peppers, and herbs like parsley, rosemary, and thyme.

Bone broth Plate with Plended Broth
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Our beef bone broth has a mild flavor, which allows it to blend easily with almost anything, from smoothies to healthy gummy bears. Our chicken bone broth and mushroom chicken bone broth boost the savory flavor of soups, stews, and risotto recipes.

Benefits of Drinking Bone Broth

Bone broth has many benefits including:

  • Promote Gut & Digestive Health
  • Support joint mobility
  • Support skin, hair and nails
  • Supports better sleep
  • Enhanced Results on the Keto, Paleo and Intermittent Fasting Diets
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